Fujitsu aims for higher North American profile, profits


Also announced were two partnerships, one with Deloitte Consulting for collaboration on compliance and controls monitoring, and another partnership with Affiliated Computer Services (ACS). ACS will market a new service called FlexFrame for mySAP Business Suite.

The SAP-hosted solution will give ACS a more flexible SAP environment that can respond faster to its customers' changing demands, said David Budnick, director of Field Operations at ACS.

Using Fujitsu's Systemwalker technologies as well as its FlexFrame architecture, Budnick said ACS will be able to create for its customers a "virtualized solution" for hosting SAP applications.

Also introduced this week was a migration tool to move batch jobs and especially sorts from a mainframe to a Windows environment.

What used to be as much as a 10-hour to 12-hour batch and sort job on a mainframe can be reduced to one or two hours, and a two hour job to 20 minutes, according to Ron Langer, vice president of Global Cobol Sales.