Guilty by Google


You could walk out of the courtroom and tell everyone you meet that you just handed out $12M, or you can tell everyone at once on Twitter. As the kids say, same diff.

Technology is brutal about exposing inefficiencies in old models. It is much easier to rip an MP3 and post it to a file sharing server than it is to stand next to your stereo with a handheld mic and hand out bootleg cassettes at a swap meet, but the deed is essentially the same. The Net has exposed inefficiencies in the old eyeballs-based advertising model (and publications are dying in droves as a result). It's about to do the same to TV advertising, if take hold.

The legal system, being hidebound and backward in all things, had largely been spared. Not any more. Communications technology has demonstrated just how inefficient it is. Now it has to change in a hurry. And sequestering all jurors in a locked, technology-free room probably isn't going to work. Per the NYT article:

There appears to be no official tally of cases disrupted by Internet research, but with the increasing adoption of Web technology in cellphones, the numbers are sure to grow. Some courts are beginning to restrict the use of cellphones by jurors within the courthouse, even confiscating them during the day, but the majority do not, Mr. Keene said. And computer use at home, of course, is not restricted unless a jury is sequestered.

I've served on juries. In every one, the judge severely warned people about discussing the case with fellow jurors during breaks. And what do people talk about the second the bailiff leaves the room? It isn't what the judge may or may not be wearing underneath those robes.