HAL 9000 -- not just in space anymore


HAL also knew everything about the people he interacted with. You know, like Google does.

If you're a heavy user of Google services, , where you are, what you're interested in, who you know and much more.

Google intends to leverage all of that data to transform its search technology into a HAL 9000 style personal assistant that communicates with you through your cell phone.

As I detailed , Google will add proactive interruption as a way to make search even faster than instantaneous. Google will give you results before you even know you want to conduct a search.

The Google HAL will constantly monitor your e-mail, your calendar, your social activity, your searches, your whereabouts and other data, run it all through some massively sophisticated algorithm, and then beep your phone and tell you something like this: "It looks like your lunch with Steve conflicts with the parent-teacher conference your wife just invited you to. Would you like me to reschedule the lunch?" You'll say, "sure, go ahead," and Google's HAL will take care of it for you, getting Steve's OK and then changing your restaurant reservation.