Intel acquires software company RapidMind

Intel has acquired software company RapidMind in an effort to push development of programs that can exploit the power of Intel's multicore processors, the company said Friday.

The chip maker plans to integrate RapidMind's data-parallelism products into Intel offerings. Intel already offers compilers, middleware and other tools that enable programmers to execute tasks across multiple threads and cores.

RapidMind, based in Waterloo, Ontario, offers a platform that allows developers to scale application performance in processors from Intel and Advanced Micro Devices. The platform also taps into the power of multiple cores in graphics processing units.

Intel declined to comment about the acquisition price, but said it plans to retain much of RapidMind's staff.

"We will retain most, if not all, of their employees," said Bill Kircos, an Intel spokesman. "These guys are highly respected experts in data parallel programming."

Intel has been snapping up software companies as it tries to provide tools that can adapt software better to its hardware. The company in June bought Wind River, which offers software design tools and operating systems, for US$884 million. It recently acquired Cilk Arts, which provides tools to maximize application performance on multicore processors.