Intel pushing subscription model for tablet app store


Earlier this year, Apple implemented a subscription service for content-based applications such as newspapers, video and music in the App Store. News Corp.'s The Daily multimedia news application was one of the first to use the subscription model.

Intel is also looking to add highly desired developer capabilities, such as in-application billing and identity services, which are also high-priority, Biddle said. A billing system will enable payments through credit cards and services such as PayPal after a person's identity is verified. Such services can be embedded in an application.

By adding new features, Intel hopes to make available more software -- and thus create demand -- for devices based on its Atom chips. Most tablets today run on ARM-based processors, so developers write mobile applications first for the ARM architecture.

Intel will also put AppUp in MeeGo tablets in the future as a core part of the operating system, with units shipping by the end of this year, Biddle said. The company also wants to put AppUp in TV sets, cars and other electronics running MeeGo.

Earlier this year MeeGo took a big hit when Nokia abandoned the OS to establish a future smartphone strategy around Microsoft's Windows Phone OS. Intel and Nokia last year announced they would work together to develop MeeGo for smartphones and tablets.