INTEROP - Juniper CEO Kriens touts open systems


In terms of your future growth, how dependent will Juniper be on acquiring other small companies, which is a key ingredient of the success at Cisco Systems, for example? You've acquired Funk, Peribit, Netscreen, and Redline, for example, but will that continue? Some view acquisitions as a strategy and we view acquisitions as a tactic. I'm amused by someone who says they have a plan to buy 10 companies. It's like going to the mall and saying I'll buy 10 items.

We're going to concentrate on the network operating system as our strategy. We intend to expand on that. For us, there is the agile enterprise and the service provider. We'll still run the largest networks in the world, but we're now seeing two markets of service provider and enterprise come together. Reliability and high performance of the network are important to carriers but every bit as important to the Merrill Lynches of the world.

What jazzes you about your job personally? Mostly the excitement of ... watching the strategy we've had materialize. The last 10 years have been exactly what we had hoped for. The next 10 years should show progress on the same strategic objective of being a major supplier for these technologies, something that can only to be done by one or two companies. We see that in these markets there will be one major provider and one other and then several incidental suppliers. We are laser-focused on infrastructure, but not optical technologies, not building a services business, not applications, not making movies or phones. We're going to be in infrastructure. We're a $2 billion company in a $20 billion market today.

So, I really like it when things come together. That success has a lot to do with luck, and then never forgetting that and then capitalizing on that. At Juniper, we've done both of those. We are working in the right time with the right demand and for the right problems that we solve.