Is Firefox 5 More Stable Than Its Predecessor?


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The list of Firefox 5's new features isn't exactly designed to thrill. It's headed by "added support for CSS animations" and features other improvements like "improved discoverability of the Do-Not-Track privacy feature preference" and "improved spell checking for some locales."

Clearly the features listed here aren't the real news in Firefox 5. Users will probably be a lot more excited by the list of hundreds of bug fixes that come along with Firefox 5. While there is some reason to worry that this brings as many problems with it as it solves, with any luck, these bug fixes will make Firefox 5 as crash-proof as it is fast.

Today, we asked our if they had any similar problems with Firefox 4 and quickly got more than 40 responses like Irving Cool who says "FF4 crashes a lot :S" or Wali Khan who stated his "New Firefox crashes every 5 minutes."