JAVAONE - BEA dispels misconceptions about middleware


"As we talked to various people in the industry, it's pretty clear to us that we are looking at a multilanguage future," Roth said.

PHP, which is useful for building interactive Web pages, is being made to run on WebLogic Server, Roth said.

BEA also announced a collaboration with Interface21 to provide an implementation of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5 version of the programming language that is based on the Spring 2.0 framework (

The two vendors have worked together to use Spring 2.0 as a foundation for Java EE 5 components, specifically the Java EE 5 Common Annotations technology featured in Java Specification Request 250. These components features resource injection and EJB 3 interception.

With resource injection, configuration data is provided to applications without requiring lookups; interception is a way to refactor code and apply it to methods that require it rather than having to embed it in the source code of each application that needs it, Linskey said. Interception is part of the concept of aspect-oriented programming, he said.