Konami Pre-E3 Event Round-up


In an interesting twist, those who have completed Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker won't necessarily have to start from scratch with the HD version. That's thanks to a feature called "Transfarring," which Hideo Kojima says is being introduced as part of what he envisions as the "new mobile gaming lifestyle."

Mega64 was on-hand to introduce transfarring in a skit that riffs on the classic Star Fox 64 promotional video released back in 1996. In simple terms, it will make it possible to transfer a PS3 save file to its PSP counterpart, and back again. So if you happen to own both the PSP and HD versions of Peace Walker, it will be possible to save your progress in the living room and pick up again on the bus.

Hideo Kojima called the Peace Walker compatibility "Step 1" for Transfarring. Step 2 will bring "PS2 class games" to the PS3 and NGP, with Transfarring being possible between the PS3 and NGP. In its final phase, Kojima says Transfarring will make it possible to transfer data from a PS3 game to the NGP.

Under this new system, it will be possible to play PS3 games pretty much anywhere provided that you own an NGP. It's not clear at the moment whether you will need to own both a PS3 and NGP version for it to work, but it's certainly a possibility. The Zone of the Enders Collection will be Transfarring-enabled, so that ought to give us a glimpse of what to expect on that front when it arrives in 2012.