Latest Netbooks Go Upscale


Ultra light weight. The Sony Vaio P weighs only 1.4 pounds, noticeably lighter than other netbooks.

Designer styles. Dell's Inspiron Mini netbooks are available in several 60s-inspired pop art styles, while sports a peony-inspired design and is billed as the world's "first digital clutch." But starting at $700, this clutch might feel more like a squeeze.

Mobile Computing News, Reviews, & Tips

Google OS Netbook? Rumor has it Google is developing a version of its . Far fetched? Hardly, given reports that two reporters were able to compile Android to run on an Asus netbook in just 4 hours.

Circuit City's Demise: Sales Now, Higher Prices Later? By now you've probably heard that Circuit City is closing all its stores. The chain is being forced to sell all its merchandise, which could mean good prices for consumers in the short term. But with Circuit City gone, that means less competition for Best Buy. Could that mean higher prices for in-store electronics purchases in the future? Read