LulzSec claims CIA website hack


The group dubbed yesterday as Titanic Takeover Tuesday and claimed credit for breaking into several gaming sites including Eve Online, Minecraft and League of Legends.

"Welcome to #TitanicTakeoverTuesday where everyone is laughing at crybabies getting Lulz Cannoned!," the group said.

The continuing string of attacks show "how just about everyone's perimeter defenses are vulnerable to attack," said Josh Shaul, CTO at Application Inc.

"Security teams need to focus their efforts on securing data where it lives, in the database, instead of continuing in the failed strategy of protecting the borders of the network," he said.

"Hopefully some good will come from this string of high profile hacks. For a long time organizations have vastly under invested in it security. This could be the inflection point where that all changes," he said.