Macau hits IT boom jackpot


By Sheila Lam

A business continuity plan (BCP) is important for any businesses, but for Macao Water Supply Company, Macau's sole water supplier, it is essential. Owned by a joint venture between New World Group and French water services company Suez Group, Macao Water provides a maximum daily throughout of 255,000 cubic meters of water for household and business users within the city.

The outbreak of SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and avian flu in recent years rang a bell for the company's executive to develop a formal business contingency strategy, said Paul Lam, deputy general manager of Macao Water. 'We have a backup center in another building,' he said. 'But we are planning to further enhance our BCP strategy.'

The strategy includes the development of a disaster recovery (DR) site, which could be located in Taipa or Coloane. The company also performs an annual drill in case of system failure, added Chapman Wong, assistant manager, information services division.

'Once a year we developed different scenarios and causes of system failures for the drill,' said Wong. 'Business users are often involved in these drills, since they also need to practice on how to react in case of systems failure.'