Mastering the maze


Ron Weber, Dean of IT at Monash University, said "Monash is one of only a few universities with an IT faculty. "We have all the disciplines that underpin IT within the one faculty, which means we can work together more effectively.

"It is very difficult to get all disciplines to work together when they are dispersed throughout other faculties. Together, we can cooperate and provide a broad based access to all the IT disciplines.

"We believe that someone graduating with IT today has to have a fundamental knowledge of the technical size of the organization as well as the social side of it. You can't be a competent professional without understanding all sides and we are well prepared to [teach] this."

Monash has campuses in Malaysia and South Africa and the courses are designed by the international teams as well as academic staff within Australia. "This gives us an international flavor within our degree structure. Africa is very important for the future and an Asian perspective is important also, because it is a critical market. The IT student is a global student -- for someone to have an international perspective is an important aspect and aren't restricted to only to work in Australia -- to have an understanding of international [IT] means they are well placed in these markets.

"We have an ongoing review; we address needs of industry and current technologies and are currently reviewing the Masters programs. There will be no major changes mid-year but there will be minor changes. We are trying to emphasize a few things; improve multi disciplinary areas, which is a critical aspect of IT.