New Microsoft Office: Cloud? Check. Social? Check


SharePoint also recommends to a user which colleagues they should "follow," to keep track of documents they create or projects they are involved in, for example. And it recommends which documents they should track, based on the documents they've tracked in the past.

PowerPoint has a new Presentation Mode that gives the presenter a different interface from the one seen by people who are watching on, say, an overhead projector. The presenter can see the slide currently being displayed, but also a preview of the next slide in the sequence, to remind them what they'll need to talk about next. Presentation Mode also includes an area for notes, or a "cheat sheet," and a clock so the presenter can keep track of how long they've been talking.

Most of the applications shown Monday support touch using a finger or a stylus. In PowerPoint, the presenter can use a stylus to annotate a slide with handwritten notes, or use a stylus in place of a laser pointer, creating a red dot that moves around the screen on the overhead projector.

OneNote, a tool for digital note-taking, gets a new "radial menu" that takes some common tasks from the ribbon and makes them more accessible. It's a circular dial that sits in the top right of the screen (but presumably can be moved around) and gives quick access to things such as cut and paste, undo, font size and creating tags.

It seems very much optimized for handwritten notes using a finger or stylus, but like the other apps demonstrated, Microsoft said it works with a keyboard and mouse as well.