Not IPv6-ready? Time to start planning


But if IPv6 deployment may not be an immediate project, why and when should you consider deployment? We recommend you begin planning now or in the near future even if you don't have immediate deployment plans.

The process of deployment may be relatively simple or very complex and time-consuming, depending on your deployment scope and current networking and computing environment. Planning for IPv6 deployment in advance can help identify steps to deployment and streamline the process in preparation for the time when deployment is deemed necessary.

As to when that time will come, our survey respondents were split across the board when asked at what IPv6 density threshold they'd begin deployment. Most answered that they have no set threshold and will decide based on industry trends or company needs. But the key is to do the planning now, so when that time comes, you'll have a plan in place to begin deployment smoothly.

Kevin Taylor is president, Asia Pacific, BT Global Services