OAUG adds 4 PeopleSoft groups to roster


The 15-year-old OAUG can provide PeopleSoft users with a process for direct communication with Oracle officials on matters such as product development and pricing, said Steven Hughes, the organization's executive director. Though the OAUG is having some success in signing up PeopleSoft user groups, Hughes estimated that there are still some 125 groups that remain independent. They are established on the basis of product, region or industry.

The OAUG isn't the only Oracle user group reaching out to PeopleSoft customers.

The Lexington, Ky.-based Quest International Users Group , which represents users of the J.D. Edwards ERP software now owned by Oracle, announced in June that it would work with ICAB to sign up members.

At the time, ICAB officials made clear that its affiliates were also free to join the OAUG. Some 60 of the groups have so far affiliated with Quest, said John Matelski, a board member.