Overclock Your Smartphone, If You Dare


The Profiles section of the app lets you set CPU speeds for various phone modes. You can set the phone to always run overclocked when the charger is attached, for example, or ramp down the speeds when battery life goes below 50 percent. Many users claim they've even extended their battery life by setting very low CPU speeds for "Screen Off" periods, when the phone goes into hibernation mode after it's been slipped into a pocket or bag, for example.

When overclocking watch out for the heat issue, which might take a few minutes to show after the change has been made. Try doing processor-intensive tasks, such as browsing Websites with a lot of content, for example, or playing video files.

If you decide overclocking isn't for you, it should be possible to perform a factory restore by resinstalling your phone's original firmware. Visit the phone manufacturer's Website for details.

Keir Thomas has been writing about computing since the last century, and more recently has written several best-selling books. You can learn more about him at and his Twitter feed is .