Preview: Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone


These requirements make Windows Phone devices very similar, so physical design and exclusive software is the main differentiator between models. The Nokia Lumia 800 includes Nokia Drive, a free turn-by-turn GPS navigator, Nokia Music, a radio streaming application and ESPN Sports Hub, a sports app which is apparently exclusive to Nokia's Windows Phones. We can't judge until we get our hands on the Lumia 800, but only the Nokia Drive app seems like a worthy and very welcome inclusion. The Lumia 800 also includes a free 25GB of SkyDrive storage, but this is a feature available on all Windows Phones.

Unlike the N9, the Nokia Lumia 800 isn't a quad-band 3G device. It supports Optus and Vodafone's 900 and 2100MHz 3G networks, but won't work on Telstra's 850MHz Next G network in Australia. Nokia may produce a separate model that will work on the Next G network, but this remains to be seen.

The Nokia Lumia 800 will launch in various markets before the end of 2011, but it's not expected to hit Australian shores until early 2012. Pricing and Australian-specific availability has yet to be announced.