Queensland ups the ante in ICT skills debate with grant


"The new ICT Career Start Program will help turn these perceptions around. It's about providing funding for organizations, such as our local industry associations, to undertake ICT career promotion activities."

The program will offer between A$10,000 and A$25,000 funding through a competitive process to Queensland-based organizations for conducting activities designed to stimulate interest in ICT careers and engage skilled workers.

Cummins talked up the state's ICT prowess, stating the ICT sector is one of it's key growth industries and is "thriving."

"More than 62,000 Queenslanders are employed in around 4400 ICT businesses, and the industry is generating annual sales of over A$21 billion," he said. "ICT is a key Smart State industry and the ICT Career Start program is designed to ensure we have the skilled workers we'll need for the future."

Cummins said increased expenditure on ICT projects is resulting in a demand for specific skills, yet there has been a dramatic decline in ICT related course enrolments at universities - 38 percent over the past two years in Queensland alone.