Reviewing the hype of 2005, the hopes of 2006


Stainlay also puts this hesitation down to the company being "not one to be leading the market" and a lot of work done this year was "settling down" operations so it wanted no "extra overheads" associated with a wireless network.

Another technology Stainlay said is overrated is intrusion prevention, which "can be classed as hype", because questions like whether the organization already has sufficient protection and whether there's something worth protecting at that level need to be answered.

Emerging technologies Bidvest has adopted this year are IP telephony and virtualization.

The company "launched" into VOIP this year, because it knew it had been coming "for the last couple of years".

"It's something you just have to have," Stainlay said. "Eventually it will be helpful to us, but now we are just replacing current infrastructure with the new technology. Over the next 12 months we will start exploiting it."