RIM aims to increase Africa market share


"We will continue to provide smartphones with Internet connectivity, strong communications features and a rich application ecosystem into Africa at affordable prices," he said.

One of the biggest challenges RIM faces is the lack of developers on the platform, compared to Nokia, Samsung and Android phones. In South Africa with higher penetration rates, the developer community is working on the platform, but in places like east Africa, RIM is trying to interest developers.

To engage Kenyan developers, RIM recently donated smartphones and tablets to the mLab, a developer co-working space in Nairobi. The donation was aimed at creating accessibility to RIM devices and encourage coding for the BlackBerry.

"The partnership with RIM allows for dialogue with developers coding for the platform and provides a space for public and private sector to explore BlackBerry solutions and provide business opportunities to the developers," said John Kieti, mLab manager.

Developer interest depends on the level of investment and engagement with the community. In South Africa, RIM has a local office, while in east Africa, RIM is in the process of setting up local offices.