RIP, AltaVista and Google Wave; we hardly knew ye


There is apparently a big die-off going on right now on the InterWebs. Cnet has obits for 15 sites and services that took a dirt nap in 2010 -- and that was before the news about Yahoo broke. Some of the more notable disappearances:

. Purchased by Apple and presumably folded into the new Ping/iTunes social music mashup. I liked Lala; it was well designed and clever.

. Mercy-killed by Google after less than two years, finally allowing us to stop asking the obvious question, "What the frak is Google Wave?" Interestingly, Facebook's new Messages scheme bears a passing resemblance to Wave; maybe we'll be reading its obituary in a year or two.

. A service I actually used, occasionally. How dare Google take away a free service that saved me $1.25 on a regular basis? I plan to write a strongly worded letter to Marissa Mayer (hopefully, she'll reward me with some cell phone pix).

. A search engine that was supposed to out-Google Google. The problem: The results it returned were . Turns out Cuil really rhymed with "tool."