Samsung Continuum


The 1GHz processor in the Continuum will keep it running smoothly, even when juggling several tasks at once. The Continuum runs Android 2.1 (Éclair) and much like the Fascinate, most of the stock Google applications have been replaced with Microsoft's offerings. Instead of Google Maps, the phone comes equipped with Bing Maps, which we found to be slower and clunkier than their Google counterpart. Thankfully you can still download and install most of the stock Google applications. Both screens on the Continuum were very responsive, though they did feel a bit cramped especially when typing out messages on the on screen keyboard (both using Swype and the stock Android one). Games like Angry Birds ran without a hitch, but as we mentioned the screen can feel cluttered at times.

We ran the FTC-endorsed Ookla Speedtest app to test the Continuum's upload and download speeds over Verizon's 3G network in San Francisco. The Continuum achieved an average download speed of 577 kbps and average upload speed of 463 kbps. This is slower than the results we saw on the , which is also on Verizon (averaged download speeds of 1340 kbps and upload speeds of 1061 kbps). These speeds will of course vary wherever you're located.

Call quality was generally quite good over the Continuum. Voices sounded clear and natural with an ample amount of volume. Our contacts reported very good quality on their side with little to no background noise, even while we were standing on a busy street corner.

The 5-megapixel camera on the Continuum isn't the best we've ever seen, but it's also not the worst. You have some basic image options you can fiddle around with, although they didn't seem to affect image quality too drastically. Outdoor shots came out surprisingly dark, while pictures taken indoors had overly saturated colors. Photos taken in darker settings looked slightly washed out by the camera flash. Video captured on the phone tended to lag slightly, but overall came out really well. Sound was picked up nicely and motion blur was minimal.