Six Ways Amazon Book Streaming Could Help Small Business


While many rural and third-world residents have access to the Internet, they do not have access to books, except through the inferior searches available to them on Google Books. Right now a child growing up in the country does not have the same access to source material that a child growing up in the city does. A service like Amazon book streaming could drastically improve the quality of any education system by making more books available. Amazon would probably have to negotiate separately with boards of education and governments for a less expensive pricing model, but in it would be another source of added revenue for them if managed properly. A better quality of education has an obvious long-term payoff for rural businesses and developing world economies in a more knowledgeable and educated workforce.

Many potential downsides could come with such a service as well. The most obvious one to me as a writer is the potential for a publisher to earn an additional source of revenue without paying you--if you have signed a contract that signs away rights for e-books. It could be argued that if such a service were to be introduced post-contract, publishers would have to go back to the table with their offers and hammer out a new deal.

Such a streaming service is absolutely dependent on Amazon coming to proper terms with publishers, and that element could kill a deal before it gets off the ground. However, it is still exciting to contemplate what this service could mean to both business and education.

Angela West dreams of opening a Fallout-themed pub featuring wait staff with Pip-Boys. She's written for big insurance companies, small wildlife control businesses, gourmet food chains, and more. Follow her on Twitter at .