So, You're Being Sued for Piracy


If you have illegally downloaded files, and you are primarily concerned with the financial costs you might incur, it may be in your best interest to settle. Copyright trolls usually ask for between $1000 and $3000, and the minimum fine for statutory damages for files is $750. If you've downloaded more than a couple of files, you could wind up with a hefty fine if you go to court--not including the court fees

Let's say you decided not to settle, and now someone is taking you to court. Here's what you can do.

1. If you haven't yet contacted an attorney, definitely do that now. If you cannot afford an attorney, consider looking for a or contacting a local law school. Many law-school teams--including those of , the , , and the --have helped out with file-sharing cases.

2. Don't ignore being served, because if you fail to show up in court, you will automatically lose. You have 30 days to respond to a lawsuit.