Three Great Mobile Mind Mapping Apps


Thinking Space for Android

Android users need not fret over the absence of SimpleMind+ on their platform. , which is a free download from Android Market, is very nearly as streamlined and simple as SimpleMind+. It also supports the same XML file format as Freemind, the great open-source mind mapper I recommended for Windows users in my last post, so it's ready to share maps between your smartphone and your PC.


Keypad-based BlackBerrys aren't exactly ideal for mind mapping, because they require too much futzing around with the trackball and readily break your train of thought. But the BlackBerry Storm can be almost as good as an iPhone or Android device for mind mapping if you use . This $17 app is available for both the Storm and for keypad-equipped BlackBerrys, but I wouldn't recommend the non-Storm version any more than I'd recommend a keypad-based smartphone (which I wouldn't).

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