Three Reasons Why I Won’t Be Using Google Latitude


Now, Google Latitude does let you limit how specific of a location any given person can see. Let's face it, though: If you make the effort to get into a location-sharing relationship with someone, odds are you're both going to reveal more than just your current city. And if you suddenly disappear from the map or switch over to showing limited info, it's going to look a little strange.

Latitude also gives you the option of "faking" your location by manually setting it for anywhere you want. The last thing I need, though, is one more pain in the pants thing like that on my plate. Do I really want to be thinking nonstop about whether I should "mask" my location and create a high-tech white lie for any given movement of my day? Why not just avoid the hassle and not open that door to begin with?

2. Google already has enough dirt on me.

We've heard for years about how much . From cookies to calendars and crazy search queries, the G-gods probably know more about me than my own mother does. The last thing I need is Google also knowing where I am every second.

To be fair, Google is taking a lot of privacy precautions with Latitude. only your most recent location is stored on Google's servers. Still, you know the data is there, and there's no telling how it could be used in the future. Whether it's the idea of targeted advertising or just the intangible creepy feeling I get knowing that someone could be watching me, I'll politely walk away from the opportunity.