Using collaboration for competitive advantage


"Measuring the quality and capability of collaboration [allows] management to prioritize technology investments, encourage adoption of new tools and open up communications lines thus adding competitive advantage," he said.

The report, using a collaboration index which scales communication ability on 0 - 100 based on technology, orientation and workplace culture, gave the Asia-Pacific a score of 63, with the US and Europe attaining 68.

Verizon Business international products director Roberta Mackintosh said the Asia-Pacific are leaders in telecommuting and find telephones and instant messaging invaluable tools for being available.

"Asia-Pacific region, more so than anywhere else, want to be in touch constantly during the workday... Asia-Pacific gets gold stars for planning and embracing telecommunication. The world can learn from them," she said.

According to the survey, positive attitudes to communication were consistent from the three regions, with each using various technologies.