Video Ezy applauds outsourcing


"We got some great offers, and I'm sure a lot of them would have delivered, but we just felt Applaud were the people we could work with," he said.

"In my opinion the only way to make outsourced partnerships work is to have a very close relationship. That means we get together on a regular basis. My staff go to the Applaud offices weekly and we know all the people there so there are no communication issues. In fact, communication is better now that we have outsourced than it was when we were all in-house," he said.

Video Ezy has nearly 1100 stores across nine countries with 550 of those in Australia.

Video Ezy joins other high profile Applaud customers like Panthers Entertainment and Virgin Mobile to give a real boost to a company that just over one year ago looked all but finished.

Applauds' former parent company, Cybernet was a successful value-add reseller with more than 1000 staff worldwide including a helpdesk presence in Sydney.