Why Firefox 4 Is Winning the Browser Battle


That, no doubt, is why Firefox offers such an , complete with a "tabs on top" layout, the "App Tabs" feature, Panorama and Sync.

5. It's More Secure

Hand-in-hand with Firefox's community aspect comes the fact that it's more secure--a feature that tends to be associated with in general. Even Microsoft's much-touted anti-tracking technology has already begun to .

Because Internet Explorer's code is closed, all the many bugs and vulnerabilities that crop up are fixed only at Microsoft's leisure--which can be . With Firefox, on the other hand, the code is being scrutinized and improved all the time.

So, would you rather a speedy, privacy-protecting, secure and user-developed browser that you can actually run on your current operating system, or do you want to jump through Microsoft's hoops and pay the price in more ways than one? To be honest, now that is out, I can't really see that there's much of a contest left.