Windows Mobile 6.5 Won't Fix Microsoft's Mobile Woes


Even if Windows Mobile 6.5 or Windows Mobile 7 succeeds in reclaiming market share, Windows Mobile will never have 100 percent of the mobile operating system market. But, Microsoft wants enterprise customers to continue to purchase and rely on Exchange Server, Office Communications Server, and other back end platforms, which is why it needs to develop applications for other mobile operating systems and collaborate with other vendors to help provide seamless, effortless connectivity with Microsoft backend systems no matter what mobile operating system is being used.

Microsoft recognizes that it has a vested interest in cooperating with other mobile platform providers to extend integration to other mobile devices. That is why it recently to collaborate on providing integrated Microsoft Office Mobile and other productivity solutions on Nokia smart phones.

Some that there is no hope for the Windows Mobile platform and that Microsoft should stop investing money in developing it. I would submit that Windows Mobile is a success in its own niche-way, and suggest that Microsoft continue to develop and evolve Windows Mobile. However, Microsoft's ultimate goal should be working to provide that same Windows desktop experience on other mobile device platforms.

Tony Bradley is an information security and unified communications expert with more than a decade of enterprise IT experience. He tweets as and provides tips, advice and reviews on information security and unified communications technologies on his site at .