Work in sync, in real-time


Chan at IBM also noted the new tools will bring compliance and auditing issues. If they are to be used for business, they must adhere to the same recording standards as email and other types of business communications. O'Connell added that securing data, enabling authorized access and ensuring information integrity are key to creating effective collaboration.

Once implemented, users also need to set up benchmarks to review how the tools are being used. This will prove whether they are boosting or draining productivity. Both Chan and O'Connell stressed the need to gauge user feedback. Are they comfortable with using the tools? Do they like the interfaces?

While vendors will declare that collaboration is for everyone, companies must think hard about the needs and parameters for these tools. Otherwise the promised world of virtual and completely synchronized communications and meetings with your team members could seem more like an endless nightmare of unwanted interruptions and distractions.

(IDG staff contributed to this report )