WWDC - Apple touts new OS, users like new hardware


O'Donnell said that end users, particularly consumers, will get the biggest benefit from Time Machine, a new feature in Leopard that automatically backs up every file and application to a designated external disk drive. End users can text search or graphically navigate their way to locate lost or previously deleted files that Time Machine has saved so they can restore those files.

However, Berland pointed to the new advanced features in Apple's iChat instant messaging application. "The video conferencing capabilities make it ideal for distant-learning environments," she said.

During the keynote address, Apple took a few potshots at its rival Microsoft. Bertrand Serlet, senior vice president of engineering for Apple, chided Microsoft for "photocopying" earlier features in Mac OS X into the current beta release of Windows Vista, accusing the Redmond, Wash. software giant of even borrowing Apple Aqua user interface logo as part of its own new logo for Windows. "If you can't innovate, you have to imitate, which is never quite as good, " he said.

Jobs echoed those sentiments, claiming Microsoft developers spent more time chasing innovation at Apple and Google than creating some of their own. He said he was so concerned about Microsoft copying new features in Leopard that he was not presenting many of the more "amazing" new things in Leopard for public view.