You've been 'synergy-related headcount restructured'


Among the examples noted in that story are CEO Kenneth Chenault's use of "reengineering plan" (7,000 layoffs); ' Rodger Lawson resorting to "cost improvement plans" (1,300 fired); and, CEO Elon Musk calling a 10% reduction in the electric-car maker's workforce part of a "special forces philosophy."

The Fortune story also features business management experts unabashedly defending the practice.

"When you're doing something bad to someone, it helps to use vague language to distance yourself," says one expert. And then this: "Companies have to reassure the people who are left that there's a plan in place. . . . People see through what executives say, but what unnerves people the most is believing that nobody has control over anything."

So let me get this straight: Seeing your CEO spew obvious baloney -- insulting baloney, no less -- creates a sense that he or she wasn't personally responsible and that someone is in charge?

It tells me that someone doesn't care all that much . . . and thinks I'm an idiot.