Adobe unveils Edge Tools & Services for Web creation


"The nature of our customers has been changing," said Danny Winokur, Adobe's vice president of interactive development. "Whereas historically, you might have designers that just did design, we're increasingly seeing that designers working on websites and other Web applications are learning some basic coding. We refer to these designers as designers who code."

Such designers, said Winokur, understand HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, the core technologies of the Web, and they are increasingly sensitive to the limitations and capabilities of those technologies as they embark on new designs.

At the same time, Winokur notes, Adobe is seeing developers moving closer to designers. "A category of front-end developers are focused on being sensitive to design and understanding what a designer is trying to accomplish," he said. These two groups work together more collaboratively than in the past.

The new flagship tool is , the first commercial release of the HTML5 animation software package formerly called , introduced last year on Adobe labs. It specializes in creating Flash-style, content-rich interactivity and motion graphics using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.