Adobe unveils Edge Tools & Services for Web creation


Edge Inspect 1.0, formerly called , lets you preview Web designs on various desktop and mobile sites simultaneously. Designed to aid productivity, Edge Inspect eases the process of testing and debugging designs across devices.

The commercial release of the PhoneGap Build 1.0 service helps designers package mobile apps built with HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS for use on a range of mobile platforms.

Edge Reflow, a tool that assists in creating responsive layout and design, offers a way to repurpose content to accommodate desktops, Web, tablets, and mobile phones. It lets you change a design's layout depending on the screen size such that the designer maintains control over the layout without having to recreate it multiple times. This software is being demoed as a sneak peek, but is not yet available. Reflow will have its preview release by the end of the year, Adobe says.

Edge Code, available as a preview, is a new code editor that developers can use to write the underlying code for their applications. Built on the Brackets open source project, it is optimized for designers and developers working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.