Cloud platform comparison: CloudStack, Eucalyptus, vCloud Director and OpenStack


Documentation: However, is somewhat incomplete. Due to the rapid development of the product, the documentation fails to cover all the current issues and new features in time. Often you have to visit or use to get the required information.

Experience: We have successfully installed and configured Nova, Keystone, and dashboard without any critical issues.

Conclusion: This open-source platform is free and is being developed very rapidly. It demonstrates a lot of progress, but still lots of development efforts are required before it can be used for production. OpenStack 2011.3 is already compatible with Amazon API and the dashboard project is currently under consideration.

If you decide to move your business to the cloud, one of the first tasks you will encounter is choosing a platform that will better fit your company's requirements. Though it may be hard to understand what stands behind the vendor's promises in marketing descriptions, I hope this article will help a bit. This research is the result of working with all of the cloud products and is not aimed at promoting any of the systems.