Cloud platform comparison: CloudStack, Eucalyptus, vCloud Director and OpenStack


In case the address is, you should uncomment the vnc_listen = "" line in the configuration file:/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf and restart the virtual machines.

Conclusion: Working with CloudStack management console has made a rather positive impression on our engineering team. This is a rapidly developing tool that provides broad functionality and is available for free. It may be employed for production but, if you use VMware hypervisors, vCloud Director seems like a better choice.

is another popular cloud platform. Sony, Puma, NASA, Trend Micro and other companies have chosen it to deploy their private clouds. Eucalyptus has a free version and a commercial edition. Obviously, the commercial edition comes with much more extended functionality.

One of the greatest advantages making this platform truly convenient to work with is that the Eucalyptus API is fully compatible with the Amazon API. As a result, all the scripts and software products based on the Amazon API can be easily employed for your private cloud. Eucalyptus supports three hypervisors: XEN, KVM and ESXi. The last one is only available to the users of the Enterprise Cloud edition.