Dispatch from the technology culture wars


Computer technology used to be the exclusive province of geeks. You couldn't get anywhere near a computer before 1977 unless you were a certifiable, card-carrying geek.

Things started to change in 1977 with the introduction of the , the first relatively mass-marketed personal computer. Later came the graphical user interface, the Mac, and the Internet. With each new generation of technology, computers became more "user friendly" and in rushed the noobs.

After the turn of the millennium, the noobification of the technology scene accelerated. The rise of " " and the mobile revolution were all about simplification. Creating a website was replaced by blogging. Blogging was replaced by microblogging. The eliminated the need to install and manage desktop applications. The post-PC revolution, as exemplified by the , embodies the noobification of technology to an unprecedented extreme.

With each advance, there's an increase in the percentage of noobs who use technology.

Today, geeks are a beleaguered minority, almost strangers in their own house.