Dispatch from the technology culture wars


Although geeks have made a transition in the past three decades from overwhelming majority in the world of technology to tiny minority, they're crying about it all the way to the bank.

The rise of consumer technology, and the IT-ification of business has served as a full-employment plan for geeks. Throughout the recession, for example, technical people generally had it a little better than the average person. The technology sector is, of course, geek-heavy.

A perfect example of this phenomenon is 's pending initial public offering. When , super-geek Mark Zuckerberg will probably make a billion dollars in cash and his net worth will rise to more than $17 billion. The IPO will also probably make millionaires out of hundreds of geek investors overnight.

More to the point, the reason the Facebook IPO will enrich so many geeks is because Zuckerberg's social network has attracted so many noobs. And noobs are where the money is.