Free OpenShot Video Editor is Tremendous


"Verity edits most of the videos, and she says it takes about 5-6 hours. It takes longer due to some glitches: we have to spend extra time rendering parts of our videos into new files. The audio is recorded in Mac's GarageBand (we have yet to find a digital audio workstation for Linux which combines simplicity with quality).

"In short OpenShot is: 1. Easy to use. 2. Can work with HD video smoothly 3. Can change video colouring/lighting, among other things 4. Gives users the ability to add effects. 5. Can render video at a very high speed (especially when compared to Windows editing programs). This really makes OpenShot a powerful addition to the Linux community."

I asked Verity and Gersom if they might create a screencast showing and explaining how they create their multitrack videos. They answered me on YouTube saying: "We might consider making a screencast on how we use OpenShot, but perhaps we'll do this later, perhaps when we have over 100 subscribers or so, so that many people can really learn from it." So if you'd like to see such a screencast, subscribe to their channel and suggest to others that they do so, too. And be sure to leave supportive comments on their videos. Supportive comments can mean a lot to any video producer.

I checked in with Jonathan Thomas to find out what new features are coming to OpenShot. Here are some of the new features you'll be seeing in OpenShot 2.0, due for release later this year or early next year.

Node-based audio processing -- will support powerful analysis features: waveforms, spectral analysis, and so on.