HP Veer 4G: A Supercompact WebOS Phone


Unfortunately, the Veer has no on-screen software keyboard, so you're stuck with the slide-out keyboard.

The Veer runs HP WebOS 2.1.1, which is similar to the version of WebOS we saw on the . WebOS 2.1 basically enhances existing features in the WebOS platform. If you're unfamiliar with the features and navigation basics of WebOS, be sure to check out our , which covers most of the basics. For the purposes of this review, I'll be discussing only the new features in WebOS 2.1.

I've always been a huge fan of WebOS's elegant way of handling multitasking. The OS uses a deck-of-cards visualization: You can view each of your open applications at once, shuffle them any way you choose, and then discard the ones you want to close by flipping them upward.

WebOS 2.1 brings a new element to the table: Stacks. In Stacks, WebOS 2.1 takes the card visual to the next level by grouping related apps into stacks. If you have two different Web pages open from the same site, for example, WebOS will stack them together rather than placing them as separate cards on your screen.