HP Veer 4G: A Supercompact WebOS Phone


Another neat feature, called Just Type, lets you search, start an e-mail, update your status, and more without having to launch an app. Just Type is an enhancement built on top of the preexisting Universal Search feature. For instance, I wanted to update my Twitter status about the Veer, so I started typing "I have a..." This caused a list of options to pop up: the dialer, Google, and two new sections called Launch & Search and Quick Actions. Under Launch & Search, I picked Twitter from the list and updated my status with "I have a Veer 4G in house!" Easy. The Quick Actions section lists actions such as New Memo, New Calendar Event, and New Task. It is a really clever way to rapidly get something done on your Veer without having to mess with opening apps or menus.

Also new is something Palm calls Exhibition: When you dock your WebOS phone, it will be able to display widgetlike information apps for your calendar, Facebook, and other items. We didn't have a Touchstone in house to test this feature, unfortunately.

WebOS 2.1 adds support for Adobe Flash Plugin 10.1, so you can finally play Flash games, watch Flash videos, and view other Flash content on the Veer. The browser features other HTML 5 enhancements, too, such as geolocation support.

Web pages loaded up quickly both over Wi-Fi and over AT&T's network. The browser handled just about every site I threw at it.