iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending Nov. 4


Goodwin does mention that Apple last year acquired rights to most of the intellectual property of LiquidMetal Technologies, for use in consumer electronics. The relevant SEC filing is .

The company creates alloys with an "" that results in harder, stronger, more elastic, but relatively lighter metal. There's no indication yet how or when Apple might make use of the technology. But don't worry: there will be plenty of rumors about it.

iPhone 5 "is expected to have" everything we think it should have.

"The iPhone 5 is expected to have" a construction that lets the iOSsphere dispense with even unnamed supply chain sources, whether upstream or downstream. You can pretty much just fill in the blank after that, which is just what IBTimes does this week. It starts its coverage off boldly: "analysts are expecting a 4G LTE iPhone 5 to come in 2012."

It doesn't get much more definitely possibly general than that. The posting quotes from a grab bag of tech or Wall Street analysts, who predict the next iPhone will arrive anytime from March to October 2012. Eventually, someone will guess right.