iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending Nov. 4


"We all want the LTE iPhone," he writes. Except, of course, those millions of idiots who are happily buying the iPhone 4S. "But knowing Apple, the enigmatic and perfection-oriented company that it is, we might not get it soon enough as we want it but perhaps at a later period in 2012. Why, you may ask?"

Why indeed.

According to Carasig, "to put it mildly, people were slightly irked by [the announcement of the iPhone 4S] because we were so stoked that finally, we'll be seeing another magical offering from our favorite company."

But the iOSsphere of course was doomed to disappointment. And Carasig was stunned. "When that didn't happen and with no explanation whatsoever as to why there was no iPhone 5, well, I myself was stunned and just thought "WTF?"

Three little letters that perfectly sum up the iOSsphere's dashed hopes and unrequited love of magical offerings from their favorite company. But, in the depths of WTF, light dawned for Carasig.