iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending Nov. 4


"You see, folks, it just dawned on me that Apple did not have any problem with the iPhone 5," he writes. And why not? "[B]ecause the iPhone 5 is already finished," he announces. But. "But Apple felt that the technology which it needed for the iPhone 5 was not ready yet. In this particular instance, the LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology needed by Apple to successfully launch its iPhone 5."


We can see boxes stacked everywhere in locked rooms at Apple's Cupterino headquarters, probably watched over by hard-eyed guards armed with tasers ("Don't tase me, bro, I just wanted to see the iPhone 5!"). And Apple employees on instant call in case someone finally comes up with a decent LTE chip to plug into the phones.

For something approaching news, or news-like rumors, we turn to DevelopingTelecoms, which carries a quoting a senior executive at China Mobile, which doesn't officially offer the iPhone in Red China, that the Next iPhone will support both the unpaired TDD and the paired FDD versions of LTE.

"General Manager at the China Mobile Research Institute Bill Huang expressed this belief during a webinar at Mobile World Live, saying: 'iPhone 5 will certainly be an LTE terminal that potentially will support both TDD and FDD,'" according to the post.