BlackBerry PlayBook Tips for All RIM Tablet Users


Unlike RIM's BlackBerry smartphone OS, the PlayBook's Tablet OS has a cool, built-in feature that lets you quickly capture screen shots of your PlayBook's display. And those screen captures are automatically saved to your PlayBook's pictures gallery.

To snap a PlayBook screen shot, simultaneously press and hold the device's volume-up and volume-down keys for a second until you hear what sounds like a camera's shutter--if you have your tablet's volume turned all the way down, you won't hear anything.

(Note: Corporate BlackBerry users or RIM smartphone users connected to a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) won't be able to snap a PlayBook screen capture while linked to their smartphones via BlackBerry Bridge, due to a security feature. However, BES users can simply disconnect BlackBerry Bridge for a second if they need to take a screen shot.)