BlackBerry PlayBook Tips for All RIM Tablet Users


But the PlayBook ships with a default setting that "pauses" some applications when you navigate away from them, which can be both a good and bad thing.

It's good if you're playing a videogame, and you quickly hope over to Bridge to check a new e-mail or BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) message because your game pauses on its own. However, you may not always want apps to pause when you leave them.

I constantly employ to listen to my music on-the-go, but since Cloud Drive tunes are accessed via the PlayBook browser, I don't want the browser to pause when I jump to my e-mail inbox because my music then pauses, as well.

So I changed the default app-setting from Paused to Showcase. To modify this setting, open your PlayBook's General Settings menu by tapping the gear icon in the top-right corner of your home screen. Then scroll down to and select the General option to display additional settings.

On the General page, tap the drop-down menu next to Application Behavior and change the setting to Showcase.