BlackBerry PlayBook Tips for All RIM Tablet Users


The BlackBerry PlayBook's Webkit browser lets you easily create home-screen shortcuts for frequently visited Web pages. Creating such shortcuts can save you time, since they eliminate the need to open your tablet browser and type in a specific Web address.

To create a PlayBook home-screen shortcut, launch your browser and navigate to the page for which you want to make a new shortcut. Next, tap the star icon with a plus sign in the top-right corner of the browser to bring up an on-screen menu--you may have to drag a finger down from the top of your browser to see the star icon, depending on your browser settings.

Finally, click the Add to Home Screen option from the menu, and the shortcut will be automatically added to your PlayBook's "All" pane.

One of the best things about RIM's PlayBook tablet is its ability to "multitask," or run multiple applications at the same time. So, for example, you can listen to music via the core music-player app while responding to e-mail using BlackBerry Bridge.