BlackBerry PlayBook Tips for All RIM Tablet Users


Your PlayBook applications are all stored on home screen "panes" that can help make it easier to organize and quickly access specific apps when you need them. The main PlayBook home screen pane, the "All" pane, displays every application installed on your tablet. The "Favorites," "Media," "Games" and "BlackBerry Bridge" tabs house specific kinds of apps. But you can easily move and delete most apps from these panes to customize your PlayBook and place the apps you use frequently wherever you want them.

To move an app from your "All" pane to another pane, simply hold your finger on the app you wish to move until it starts "throbbing" slightly and/or a small trashcan appears beneath its icon. (Not all applications can be deleted, so some apps will not appear with a trashcan icon.)

To move an app from the "All" pane to your "Favorites"--or any other pane--simply drag the app-icon and drop it onto the word "Favorites" in your pane-navigation bar.

To delete an app from your tablet, where possible, navigate to the "All" pane, hold an app icon until it throbs and tap the trashcan icon beneath it. You can only delete apps from the "All" pane; if you try to delete an app from any of the other panes, it will be removed from that specific pane, but not the "All" pane.